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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Our Society Sucks - Don't Suck

I've been away from the blog for a while.  But I really haven't had the inspiration to write lately, and I don't want to force anything because then the post isn't quality.

Anyways, today I saw two news reports that really didn't sit well with me.  The first one is a young girl who got plastic surgery to avoid further bullying.  The second one is a Fox News report that unfairly connected a GWU student's suicide with a visit from President Obama.

Honestly, what is wrong with our society today?  Kids tease other kids.  They don't understand differences.  It's not a justification, I'm not saying it's okay.  I'm just saying, it happens.  But as the mom in the video mentioned, adults were even teasing the young girl.  Adults!  I'm glad the mom cared so much for her daughter that she took drastic action to protect her daughter; and like the Doctor said, develop normally (on a cognitive level).

The fact of the matter is that plastic surgery had to be used in order to stop the bullying and the teasing.  No child should have to endure the physical toll from plastic surgery, and ideally shouldn't have to endure the emotional toll from bullying.  But bullying happens in grade school, and my roommate said to me while watching it, it's only during grade school.  Kids mature as they grow older. (well, most do) So I was taken aback by the action until I learned that adults were partaking in the teasing.  That's just ridiculous, our society just sucks.  Why should plastic surgery to fix a defect even an option?  She doesn't have control over how her ears look!  Honestly girl, there could never be a more beautiful you.

And then there's Fox News.  They're always questionable.  But to have the nerve to title your article "GWU student's suicide tragically coincides with Obama visit" is beyond ridiculous.  First and foremost they are completely disrespecting the student and his family during the hardest time of their life!  Suicide is tragic; I can't imagine a life so bad that the only way out is death.  But it happens, and it's sooooo sad!  Secondly, to say that it coincides with Obama's visit implies causation.  I don't care if they didn't say it directly in the article.  The fact that they grouped the two events together means they want the readers to connect the two events.  Congratulations Fox News, you have officially dropped to a whole new level of low I never knew existed!

Besides complaining about how much our society sucks, I want to urge you who read this to not suck!  We are a society full of ignorance, apathy and selfishness.  To quote my college's slogan "Be the Difference."  Don't be the person who teases someone on a deficiency they have no control over, instead, be the person to stop the idiot who does.  As the saying goes, "don't judge a book by its cover."  There is so much hate in this world.  Let's fill it with love.  As Bon Jovi asks: What do you got if you ain't got love?  My answer- nothing.

Sorry for ranting.

"A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge." - Thomas Carlyle

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