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Monday, March 28, 2011

Cultivation and Distribution

My roommate, Evan, started a blog:  And since he said I was his main influence to start one, he challenged me to write a post everyday; a challenge for both of us.  This, I believe, will be a healthy exercise.  I'll be able to work on expanding my vocabulary, as well as writing styles and thought processes.  Oh and I can't forget you, my readers, will get a daily dose of positivity!

The challenge isn't going to be writing everyday, but rather what to write about.  This will be a great challenge that I'm ready to tackle.  For instance, today I was thinking about this post, considering the different directions this could take.  Evan's a good friend, do I focus on friendship?  Do I just leave the first paragraph be?  Leave it as an announcement to my readers and then jump into the message of the day?  Neither - although I foresee friendship as a topic in the near future.

I'm in a philosophy class, Ethics.  All in all, philosophy and I tend not to get along too well.  But the subjects we've been learning about in class actually apply here.  Along with Ethics, we've been learning and discussing moral duties:  Utilitarianism- act towards achieving the greatest amount of good for the greatest amount of people, Kantianism- act because it is our moral duty to act, regardless of our feelings, and then Aristotle & Virtue Ethics- act because it is virtuous and will lead to the good life.

But in our lectures of Kant we learned about perfect and imperfect duties.  Our perfect duties are those that should always be done.  Like don't commit suicide, don't lie; it's a universal law.  Our imperfect duties are those you ought to do, Cultivate your talents.  You're athletic and have the ability to play basketball or football, so you ought to be on a team, don't let those talents go to waste.

Cultivate your talents.  Everyone, in one way or another, has talents that are beneficial.  It doesn't matter if those are personal benefits or communal.  We've all been given a gift, so share it.

Until tomorrow...

"A successful man is the one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him." - David Brinkley

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