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Sunday, March 27, 2011

Music Inspires

It seems to be an ongoing theme that if I'm spending a Friday or Saturday night in my friend Mike's room with my friend Patrick, aka Patch, then he and I will end up having a very deep discussion about music. Patch is a musician, a singer and a song writer, very talented.  A majority of our conversations are subtle and not so subtle insults of music today.  Sometimes that entailed blatant complaints of how pointless Justin Bieber's music is, or how there's little talent with half the Pop artists being Auto tuned for absolutely no reason.  (Rebecca Black anyone...)  Other times it involved praising older musicians for their impeccable talent and the meaningful lyrics THEY wrote.

As a songwriter, Patch told me that he doesn't care if he's a famous musician in the future.  He loves writing music for the sake of writing music.  His goal, he said, is to have his music touch and inspire people, even if it is just one person.  I don't write poetry, I certainly can't write music but I absolutely love music, it's a place for me to escape.

So as influenced by last night's conversation with Patch, here are a few meaningful/inspirational songs to me.  In order of their personal importance to me:

"Rise Today" by Alter Bridge
To sum up the personnel of Alter Bridge, they are Creed with a different lead singer.  I think their songs are much better then Creed's.  This song here is pretty simple, I want to Rise Today and change this world.  Which is exactly what I want to do.  Maybe not necessarily change the world, but help people and make a difference.

Best line of the song:  "With every life that's taken, so much love is wasted."

"Walk Like a Man" by Bon Jovi
This song was a bonus song on a limited edition of Lost Highway I bought in Target.  The basis of this song is pretty much a father giving his hot-headed, "Dad I'm invincible" son last minute advice before he embarks on this journey of life.  Obviously I'm not a father, yet, so I have no idea what that would feel like, but the song does a really great job of capturing the emotions and documenting how the journey of life changed the son.  "I couldn't believe it when a tear came to my eye.  It isn't easy standing on the other side."  Even though this song doesn't apply to me yet, the advice given in the chorus is awesome, and stuck with me since the first time I heard this song.  One of those rare ones that I've loved since the first listen and haven't grown tired of it since.

Best line:  "Every step up that mountain will be more than worth countin' but when you walk through the valley, may you walk like a man."

"Open Your Eyes" by Alter Bridge
More Alter Bridge on this list.  The two songs on this list are absolutely incredible.  The verses of this song deal with doubt while the chorus explores faith.  Two experiences everyone has:  Doubt and Faith.  The chorus asks the question I like to ask:  "Will they open their eyes and realize we are one?"  I'm not a fan of ignorant people and I tend to see the best in everyone I know.  I don't judge people (a lot) and I'm very tolerable for most opinions and mindsets.  So I relate to this song, and I wonder will mankind in general ever realize that we are one.

Best line:  "Darker days seem to be what will always live in me, but still I run" ... Faith!

"Some People Change" by Kenny Chesney
This song goes along perfectly with my last post about Fr. Boyle and his gang reformation center.  This song centers around two story lines: an ignorant racist man who learns to accept people, and an alcoholic who sobers up.  I'm an optimistic person, and I pray that this song could someday apply to my family.  Without going into details, a couple members of my extended family are struggling right now and change seems to be impossible right now.  But my mom, God bless her, has her heart set on helping and making things right.  She, like me, loves people and has a hard time letting go of the ones she loves, even if that takes a toll on her.  So go Mom!  Like I said, I pray things will change at home and that this song will apply.

Best line:  "Against all odds, against the grain love finds a way."

"In Me" by Casting Crowns
Ironically this is the only true Christian Rock song on this list.  But the thing I love about this song is the use of battle as a metaphor Jesus' strength, power and love.  I'm a believer, Jesus is important in my life, and this song just perfectly explains how the good Lord fits in my life and how he works in our lives.  "I'll never get by living on my own ability.  How refreshing to know you don't need me, how amazing to find that you want me!"  That lyric says it all.  This song is awesome!

Best line:  "I'll stand on your truth and I'll fight with your strength until you bring the victory."

And last but certainly not least:

"Welcome to Wherever You Are" by Bon Jovi
The song that my blog is named after.  The way I interpret the song is that everyone has a purpose on Earth, even if you question what's going on in your life.  Let's face it, we all question that.  "Why did this happen to me?" But in spite of these questions and uncertainties we have a purpose here.  This song is optimistic, maybe even a little cliche.  But it's inspiring and I can't help but feel good after hearing it.  "Everyone's a hero, everyone's a star."  "Everybody's different just take a look around."  "Every new beginning is some beginning's end."  Just a glimpse of some of the lyrics.  Jon Bon Jovi is an incredible song writer.  The lyrics just honestly speak for themselves.

Best line: "Welcome, you gotta believe that right here right now you're exactly where you're supposed to be."

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